Friday, April 25, 2008

4/21-4/25 Reflection post

This week I have an tremendous amount of homework most of which require research for my english class and speech class. For my essay in my english critical thinking class i had to read several essay's and apply certain critical thinking modals to my essay that i'm currently writing. In the process I used highlighting which helped me to highlight main points and qoutes that were useful to my research. highlighting is also a form of outlining for me beacause i used different color to symbolize the importance of the imformation as i read. After i had finished reading i was able to go back and organize the information in an oultine. In any critical thinking class it is very crucial to make marginal notes as you read because most of the read require you to think and give your evaluated unstanding of what you just read and come up with your own conclusion/ analysis. SQ3R is very effective if your taking any type of critical thinking course or anything you read overall because you have to read and re-read, scan, pose questions, and challenge what the author is saying from an unbias viewpoint which help you to under the read on a different level.This is what my research paper requires and my responsiblity is to conduct an analysis of the killings in My Lai during the Vietnam war and look at the arguement on both side of the debate of why American soldiers were killing innocent villagers.

What strategies I used:
Marginal Notes
those are my favorite reading strategies and the one's i used during this assignment.

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